David Lilly is The Hockey Ref Shop January Official Of The Month

The Hockey Ref Shop Official Of The Month is a monthly program that recognizes officials from across the world for the great work that they do!
Name: David Lilly
Age: 25
Home Town: Marcellus, New York
Current Town: St. Paul, Minnesota
Years of officiating experience: 11
What do you do outside of officiating?
I enjoy spending time with my friends and my family whether it is sitting around hanging out or going out and having a good time.
When and why did you start officiating?
I was 14 and I started officiating to make some extra money so I could buy myself cookies and new hockey sticks.
Do you have any superstitious pre-game rituals?
I always put things on starting with my left side, socks, shin pads, shin tights, pant leg and skates.
What are your long-term goals with officiating?
Long term goal is to work professional hockey and international.
Why do you think others should try officiating?
Officiating is a great way to give back to the game and also to stay involved in the game. It’s not for everyone but you make it what it is and it’s a lot of fun if you love it.
What advice would you give to a new official entering their first season?
You never know who is watching you so always do your best because it will leave a good impression and don’t let coaches or parents yelling get to you it’s not worth it.
List some general pro tips or words of wisdom that may help other officials improve their game.
Listen to the older guys and take everything in and create your own swagger and style for your game. Be consistent, even if you are consistently bad at least you are consistent because there is nothing worse than someone who does or doesn’t call certain penalties at one point and do the opposite at a different play. Have fun with every game you work no matter what!
How did you hear about Hockey Ref Shop?
I searched on google “Hockey referee equipment” and the website was the 3rd one down.
Equipment setup:
Helmet/Visor: Bauer 4500 and CCM Pro Straight Small Cut
Sweater: CCM Size 44
Pants: Reeq USA
Whistle: Acme Thunderer Chrome
Shin Tights: Hockey Ref Shop
Skates: Bauer Supreme MX3 with LS5 Steel
Protective: Bauer Officials Shin Guard and Volleyball Knee Pads for elbow pads
Every month, officials are encouraged to apply for a chance to become "Official Of The Month". The Official Of The Month will be featured on our Referee's Crease blog and will also receive a free gift from Hockey Ref Shop.
I want to be Dave Lilly when I grow up. He is my idol.
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