Katie Guay is The Hockey Ref Shop April Official Of The Month
Congratulations to Katie Guay for being selected as the April Official Of The Month!
The Hockey Ref Shop Official Of The Month is a monthly program that recognizes officials from across the world for the great work that they do!

Check out our interview with Katie below:
Name: Katie Guay
Age: 36
Home Town: Westfield, MA
Current Town: Mansfield, MA
Years of officiating experience: 13
What do you enjoy to do outside of officiating?
Quality time with family and friends.
When and why did you start officiating?
When my competitive playing days were over, I missed being around the rink and decided to give officiating a try to stay involved in the game.
What is your greatest memory or proudest moment as an Official?
Working the 2019 Women's NCAA D1 Finals alongside some remarkable officials.
Tell us about your experience being the first female On-Ice Official for the 2019 Men's Beanpot Tournament.
The Beanpot is a prestigious tournament in Boston, so it was certainly an honor to be on the ice at the Boston Garden on a Monday in early February.
You were also recently in PyeongChang for the 2018 Olympic Winter Games. What are some of your favorite memories from that experience?
As a kid, there weren't opportunities for me to play on a girls' team so I played with the boys through 9th grade. My first introduction to Women's Hockey was watching the women win gold at the '98 Olympics. Since then, it was certainly a dream to go to the Olympics. Being able to skate on the world's largest stage was certainly an incredible experience. During the Women's Gold medal game, I sat next to Scott Hamilton and it was quite a special moment to witness the US Women win gold!
Do you have any superstitious pre-game rituals?
Over the years, my pre game superstitions have dwindled, but I aim to have fun with my officiating crew. I officiate for the fun and love of the game, so I try to make every game an enjoyable experience.
Aside from all of the accomplishments that you have already achieved, do you have any other goals with officiating that you're still working towards?
I have been given some amazing opportunities and I now hope to mentor younger officials and help them reach their goals.
You recently competed in the Boston Red Bull Crashed Ice race, representing Team USA alongside with Owner of Hockey Ref Shop, Eric Arrigo and fellow female Official, Marissa Perri. How was that experience for you? Do you plan to continue racing in future Ice Cross Downhill events?
Red Bull Crashed Ice is an exhilarating sport on skates. It tests agility, strength and audacity. It tests your ability to control your body through space and then land on a decline. It was an amazing experience to skate on the Crashed Ice course at Fenway Park and I certainly hope to learn how to land those jumps so I can compete at another Crashed Ice event.
Why do you think others should try officiating?
Officiating is another way to stay involved in the game. I strongly encourage all players, coaches and fans to try officiating. It's a new perspective of the game and I wish I had started when I was still playing, as being a student of the game from a different angle certainly would have helped me as a player as well.
What advice would you give to a new official entering their first season?
There's a lot to learn when you're first starting to officiate so don't be afraid to make mistakes. Find mentors in the locker room who can offer feedback and share some of their own game experiences. Keep a journal and try not making the mistake twice.
Equipment setup:
Helmet/Visor: Bauer 5500/ Oakley Small Straight
Sweater: Women's Force Pro 44
Pants: CCM
Whistle: Acme
Shin Tights: JOC
Skates: Vapors
Protective: CCM girdle and Bauer coaching shin guards

Every month, officials are encouraged to apply for a chance to become "Official Of The Month". The Official Of The Month will be featured on our Referee's Crease blog and will also receive a free gift from Hockey Ref Shop.
If you would like to submit yourself or nominate a friend for the May Official Of The Month please send us a short email to HockeyRefShop@gmail.com on why you (or your friend) should be selected.
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